Comilla City Foundation

One of the most biggest charity organization in comilla

Healthy Food

Comilla city foundation provides heathy food to people who are suffering from Undernutrition .


Comilla city foundation gives educational support to those schools who are teaching for free.


Comilla city foundation gives free medical support to helpless people.

Financial support

Comilla City Foundation directly supports diverse causes, making a meaningful impact on society.


we have a strong community who helps us to provide the best suppport.


together we can create a brighter future filled with hope and opportunities.

Featured Causes


Providing a Wheelchair to a Person in Need

On August 21, 2021, Comilla City Foundation showcased their commitment to compassion by giving a wheelchair, bringing newfound freedom to a person in need.

A Sewing Machine Given to a Woman

On January 10, 2021, a sewing machine became a beacon of hope for a woman from a humble background, burdened with managing household finances.

We made a wall of humanity

On August 18, 2021, the Wall of Humanity blossomed, a hub for sharing and receiving old clothes, weaving a fabric of compassion for those in need.

How you’re changing children’s lives

Better Education

Comilla City Foundation’s ‘Better Education’ initiative enhances learning opportunities for the underprivileged, creating a path to a brighter future through improved educational resources and increased opportunities for those in need.

Free Educational item's

Comilla City Foundation demonstrates its commitment to education by providing schools with complimentary educational items. This initiative underscores their dedication to fostering learning opportunities and building a brighter future for the community through accessible education

Our Volunteers

Md arif hossain

Support Staff

Riyad Hasan

Support Staff

Michael Clark

Support Staff

Stacy Henderson

Support Staff


 proudful people’s

I am Alhaj Jamal Khandkar, I am proud to be able to help people by the side of Comilla City Foundation.
Alhaj Jamal Khandakar
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George Flavius
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis.

Peter Oliver